Amaroo School is located in Amaroo, ACT. It is a combined school with a total of 1755 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 12.
Australian Christian College – Burnie is located in Somerset, TAS. It is a combined school with a total of 25 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 5.
Australian Christian College – Hobart is located in Geilston Bay, TAS. It is a combined school with a total of 87 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 7.
Australian Christian College – Launceston is located in Newnham, TAS. It is a combined school with a total of 98 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8.
Blue Gum Community School is located in Hackett, ACT. It is a combined school with a total of 167 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 9.
Boddington District High School is located in Boddington, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 292 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 12.
Boyup Brook District High School is located in Boyup Brook, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 190 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 9.
Brightwaters Christian College is located in Brightwaters, NSW. It is a combined school with a total of 76 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 9.
Bruce Rock District High School is located in Bruce Rock, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 118 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8.
Cannington Community College is located in Cannington, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 829 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 14.
Caroline Chisholm School is located in Chisholm, ACT. It is a combined school with a total of 628 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 11.
Central Coast Steiner School is located in Fountaindale, NSW. It is a combined school with a total of 275 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 11.
Charleville School of Distance Education is located in Charleville, QLD. It is a combined school with a total of 177 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 7.
Cocos Islands District High School is located in Cocos Island, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 124 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 6.
Coffs Harbour Bible Church School is located in Toormina, NSW. It is a combined school with a total of 35 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 3.
Condell Park Christian School is located in Condell Park, NSW. It is a combined school with a total of 46 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 4.
Covenant Christian School is located in Gordon, ACT. It is a combined school with a total of 264 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 10.
Cue Primary School is located in Cue, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 27 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 5.
Donnybrook District High School is located in Donnybrook, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 451 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 12.
Dowerin District High School is located in Dowerin, WA. It is a combined school with a total of 146 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8.