About Us

Find the Best School for Your Child

We make finding the right school simple helping you make an informed decision about your child’s education



Outside of Australian School Building

We’ve Helped Thousands of Parents Find Their Dream School

Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision. We’ve helped thousands of parents across Australia navigate choosing a school with confidence.



Our database contains more than 15,000 schools across Australia including primary, high school and combined.


Parents Helped

We all want what’s best for our children, and finding the right school will help set your child up for the best opportunity at success, and we’re here to help you find it!


Data Points

We have the largest database of Schools in Australia and our rankings are refreshed each year giving you the most up-to-date information when it comes to choosing your next school.

Search, Compare and Review Schools All in One Place

Our team works hard to carefully research each public and private school in Australia. 

Girl practicing violin
Better Education for Your Child

Presenting School Data Transparently

We firmly believe that every parent, regardless of their location or financial status, deserves access to reliable information. Our commitment is to empower parents with comprehensive school profiles, enabling them to make informed decisions about their child’s education journey.

We strive to work with state and government agencies to enhance the depth and accuracy of school representations.

We diligently maintain the currency of our data and regularly validate it against publicly accessible sources. However, we acknowledge the inherent possibility of data becoming outdated, misrepresented, or erroneous. Therefore, we continuously refine our data collection methods, interpretation processes, and updating protocols.



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