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Our Lady of Perpetual Help School is a highly rated primary school in Ringwood, 3134 VIC. The catholic school has 260 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 11.
- My Choice Rank
Bayswater North Primary School is a highly rated primary school in Bayswater North, 3153 VIC. The public school has 259 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 10.
- My Choice Rank
Heathmont College is a well rated school in Heathmont, 3135 VIC. The public school has 709 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 11.
- My Choice Rank
Ainslie Parklands Primary School is a well rated school in Croydon, 3136 VIC. The public school has 115 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 13.
- My Choice Rank
Melba Secondary College is a well rated school in Croydon, 3136 VIC. The public school has 624 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 9.
- My Choice Rank
Croydon Primary School is a well rated school in Croydon, 3136 VIC. The public school has 203 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8.
- My Choice Rank
Croydon Community School is a secondary school in Croydon, 3136 VIC. The public school has 117 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 5.
Croydon Special Developmental School is a special school in CROYDON SOUTH, 3136 VIC. The government school has 93 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 3.