St Joseph's Parish School
Weipa, 37300, QLD
(0 Reviews)
About the School
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St Joseph’s Parish School is a primary school in Weipa, 4874 QLD. The catholic school has 118 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 10.
- , Weipa, 4874, QLD
Academic Proficiency
Students and Teachers
Total Enrolments: 118
Male-Female Ratio: 1.15:1
Indigenous Enrolments: 18%
Total Economically Disadvantaged: 20%
Student Gender Distribution
Teachers and Staff
Student-Teacher Ratio
Total No. of Teachers: 12
Students Per Non-Teacher: 29:1
Students-Teacher Ratio: 10:1
Related Schools
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Reviews & Ratings
Parents, students, alumni, staff are encouraged to leave a review of their personal experience as a member of the schools community.
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