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  • 4 out of 5 4 stars& up (0)
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1 - 25 of 195 posts
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1 - 25 of 195 posts
(0 Reviews)

Dundee Beach School is a primary school in Dundee Beach, 840 NT. The public school has 19 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 6.

(0 Reviews)

Finke School is a primary school in Pigeon Hole, 852 NT. The public school has 19 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 5.

(0 Reviews)

Haasts Bluff School is a primary school in Finke, 872 NT. The public school has 43 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 14.

(0 Reviews)

Imanpa School is a primary school in Imanpa, 872 NT. The catholic school has 23 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8.

(0 Reviews)

Mbunghara School is a secondary school in Papunya, 872 NT. The public school has 11 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 11.

(0 Reviews)

Middle Point School is a combined school in Middle Point, 822 NT. The public school has 25 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 10.

(0 Reviews)

Mutitjulu School is a combined school in Mutitjulu, 872 NT. The public school has 44 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 11.

(0 Reviews)

Newcastle Waters School is a combined school in Newcastle Waters, 862 NT. The public school has 18 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 9.

(0 Reviews)

Nyirripi School is a secondary school in Nyirripi, 872 NT. The catholic school has 49 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 6.

(0 Reviews)

Peppimenarti School is a primary school in Tablelands, 862 NT. The public school has 4 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 4.

(0 Reviews)

Pigeon Hole School is a primary school in Eva Valley, 822 NT. The public school has 19 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 6.

(0 Reviews)

Stirling School is a combined school in Wilora, 872 NT. The public school has 9 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 18.

(0 Reviews)

Tipperary Station School is a secondary school in Tipperary, 822 NT. The private school has 9 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8.

(0 Reviews)

Titjikala School is a combined school in Titjikala, 872 NT. The public school has 31 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8.

(0 Reviews)

Walungurru School is a primary school in Haasts Bluff, 872 NT. The public school has 17 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 6.

(0 Reviews)

Manyallaluk School is a primary school in Peppimenarti, 822 NT. The public school has 34 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 5.

(0 Reviews)

Amanbidji School is a combined school in Timber Creek, 852 NT. The public school has 15 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 4.

(0 Reviews)

Nganambala School is a primary school in Milingimbi, 822 NT. The public school has 280 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 14.

(0 Reviews)

Darwin High School is a combined school in The Gardens, 820 NT. The public school has 1184 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 14.

(0 Reviews)

Northern Territory School of Distance Education is a combined school in The Gardens, 820 NT. The public school has 181 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 4.

(0 Reviews)

Centralian Senior College is a combined school in Alice Springs, 870 NT. The private school has 387 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 10.

(0 Reviews)

Casuarina Senior College is a combined school in Moil, 810 NT. The public school has 761 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 12.

(0 Reviews)

Top End School of Flexible Learning is a combined school in Malak, 812 NT. The public school has 142 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 12.

(0 Reviews)

Palmerston College is a combined school in Driver, 830 NT. The public school has 1149 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 12.

(0 Reviews)

Angurugu School is a combined school in Angurugu, 822 NT. The catholic school has 49 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 6.

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Grade Level

Grade Level
  • Primary (1)

School Type

School Type
  • Public (3)
  • Catholic (1)
  • Private (1)


  • Secular (1)


  • 5 out of 5 5 stars (0)
  • 4 out of 5 4 stars& up (0)
  • 3 out of 5 3 stars& up (0)
  • 2 out of 5 2 stars& up (0)
  • 1 out of 5 1 star& up (0)

Student-Teacher Ratio

Student-Teacher Ratio

My Choice Rank

My Choice Rank
  • All
  • C
  • C-

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